Sarris Chocolate Factory

We participated in a group tour of the Sarris Chocolate Factory in Canonsburg. Naturally, it was delicious. We got to see them gearing up for Easter, chocolate coating their pretzels (which they explained is by far their #1 seller), and assembling Easter baskets. Afterwards we were given sundaes from their amazing ice cream parlor. We left with a serious sugar high!

I have to admit I was disappointed we didn't get to see them actually processing chocolate. I didn't see until afterwards that they explain on their website that they can't give tours of their kitchen facilities for insurance reasons. But if I'd known that, I might have skipped it. Then I would have missed out on knowing about their incredible candy store and ice cream parlor, which are amazing. Also we had a narrow miss with celebrity, as a few hours after our tour, Donald Trump Jr. was there at a campaign event for Rick Saccone, who would be narrowly defeated a few days later in his bid for a congressional seat neither he nor his opponent actually want in November.  I was a bit puzzled by this, as Don Jr. isn't known for campaigning, and chocolate factories aren't known for their political symbolism (usually it's a coal mine or some other heavy industry, am I right?) Yet it produced an epic meme-inspiring photo.

That's caramel. A huge bar of mind-blowing caramel. 
So important to take pictures of each other in hairnets.
